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Friday, June 5, 2009


We are alive! I promise! I have just been busy and well, tired:) Whenever I get a free moment by myself I much rather take a nap then blog. But I promise to do better. We are doing well. Grant is getting so verbal and independent. It's so fun to see him grow up and mature EVERYDAY! He's always surprising me with new things he knows. He catches on to everything me and Geoffery do, even when you don't think they're listening:)

So I'm 35 weeks pregnant TODAY! Yeah! It's going by fast, and well also creeping each day. It's hard to explain. But the baby is doing well. They have me come in every week because she's so small. We do a stress test everytime I go and an ultrasound. I just went yesterday and they found that the amniotic fluid is a little low. So I have to drink 12, 12ozs. of water a DAY! I'm going to the bathroom like literally every 10 minutes! It's crazy. I'm so sick of water I could puke. But if this works we can hopefully keep her in there until I'm full term. Otherwise they will induce me on MONDAY! YIKES! So I ran home and washed all her clothes (not that they will fit for a while) and cleaned her swing, bouncer, and carseat. It's nice not having to buy all that stuff with your second. So we will see what happens. The ultrasound estimated that she only weighs about 4lbs 10 ozs. so she will be SMALL, but hopefully healthy! She seems to be doing great looking at the ultrasound and the stress test so they're not to worried about her. So I'm just staying home this weekend and taking it easy with my old hospital cup near by to drink...ALL DAY! It's a full time job just drinking and going to the bathroom! I also ran to the store to buy some premmie outfits. They're just so stinking small! I really hope that once she's born she'll put on the weight. Grant was 8lbs so having a small baby will be new.

Anyways, that is whats going on in our life. We're pretty boring. I have some posts that I would like to post, but well I just don't have the engery to download my pictures:) We went to St. George for a week (lots of pictures) and that was a ton of fun to get out and away for a while with just the three of us. We figured it would be our last outing out together before the baby comes. It's finally warm here, but without any grass in our yard, outside hasn't been the best. Hopefully one day we will have a yard for Grant to play in:) We're currently working on that.

Well that's our life right now in a nutshell. Pray for us that drinking all this water will help so that little Madelyn will continue to grow!


Tori said...

Glad to hear you guys are still around! Good luck with drinking the'll be worth it once you have your sweet little girl! Can't wait to see pictures of her, good luck with everything!

Pink Nothings said...

glad you posted. we all want to know whats going on with you and that little girl!

Cassidee Garner said...

hey looks good .i cant wait to see some cute pics .

Cassie said...

Hope everything turns out just fine. Can't wait to see pictures of her!

Bobbi Lee said...

I'm glad to know what's going on with your little girl - I had Bryson at 34 weeks with a lot of the same things going on that you do. They are small and tiny at first but they catch up and do great! Hang in there, and let me know if you need anything. Even if it's just some support. I'm sure she will be beautiful just like her mom!

Andi said...

Oh my she is a tiny little thing! I can't believe you have to drink that much. That is INSANE. I hope your fluid level raises so she can cook a bit longer. Can't wait to meet her! You take it easy woman! Love ya

Anonymous said...

Aud I hope all is okay! that is scary. you better be drinking more than the doc says :) let me know what's going on. love ya

Anonymous said...

Hey that happened to me, so they told me drink gatorade as well. I was also to stay off my feet, that's why I was on bed rest starting at week 24. Good luck, I hope all goes well. Cori ended up having a growth spurt right at the end making her 6lbs 7oz, still very small.

Britt,Ben,Baby BentLee and our dog Mack! said...

Your little boy is adorable! You look great! Good luck with everything!

Anonymous said...

I am thinking of you guys and I can't wait to see pictures of your beautiful little girl soon!

Rebecca said...

Audrey, it is time to show more pictures of that little girl... please!

Milan Maternity said...

I can't wait to see pictures and get an update on everything with you guys!